No Dumb Questions (Only Dumb answers)


Now that my blog is “published” or has something linking to it so people can actually find it, I went back through and realized my writing is still more complicated than I intended. That is, I really wanted the blog to answer questions without detailed legal terms so people could learn and understand our justice system easily. Alas, reading some of my answers, I think I failed in this respect.

More importantly though, I only wrote about topics that came to my mind. I’d really like to use this forum to answer questions anyone has. I know when a new client hires me there are a lot of questions about all aspects of state or federal criminal procedure. I have to believe people without a direct connection to the justice system still have questions. For example – What is accurate on TV crime shows?, Do police officers really need to read Miranda rights to you when you get arrested?, Should I blow or not blow on a DWI (into the breathalyzer)?, What are the ranges of punishment for various types of offenses, etc.

There really are no dumb questions, and my goal is to help the general public understand how our justice system operates (there are also some lawyers I know who could use a bit of a refresher as well). Accordingly, please submit questions in the comments section of this blog post, and I will do my best to provide a non-dumb answer.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope to hear from everyone with questions.

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