Category: General Thoughts

  • So often people will contact me confused about being arrested for possessing drugs. No, the confusion is not that the possession caused them to be arrested, instead it’s the fact that they were arrested twice for the same situation. Is that legal? How can you be released and arrested again? No, it’s not a conspiracy…


  • As I’ve said in prior posts, my goal with this blog is to offer honest, clear information from a lawyer who actually practices criminal defense law. In so doing, I may upset other attorneys, particularly those in my local area, but I will deal with that in an effort to make sure I’m as transparent…

  • No one says they want to be a drug dealer when they grow up. Well, maybe a few, but not the majority of them. Instead, it often starts with drug use. After 25+ years of being a criminal defense attorney, spotting when someone’s life went off the rails has become a well-honed skill. Sorry to…
